Friday, March 13, 2009


I know a little something about it. The 26th day of March will be 30 months in recovery from alcoholism, for me. This is the 3rd time I've quit drinking, the 1st time lasted for 5 years. Last time it was maybe a little over a year. It was my choice the 1st time and this last time, The middle time, well curiously enough, that was enforced by the state of Oregon.

DON'T! drink and drive! they will catch you!

It does seem to stick better when its your own decision. However, its not really that much easier, you still have the cravings, you still have your triggers. All that having been said, I still feel like quitting drinking is much easier than quitting smoking. A lot of my friends feel the same way.
With alcohol, after the first 10 or so days the craving is really reduced, actually even after the first day. The hardest part with alcoholism, for me, is the thought that I can never ever drink again. I know that it must seem weird to you normies, you never give it a second thought, but to an alcoholic, that thought engenders panic, yes, even after 30 months.

That's why an alcoholic has to take life, one day at a time! Smoking seems to be different,though, you have to be able to look forward to the health benefits, you've got to look forward to a diminished craving, or you'll go nuts and never make it.
With alcohol, you'll probably have 10 or 20 cravings the first day, tapering down with each successive day that you remain sober. Tobacco? Constant!
This is my third time for cigarettes. The first time I lasted ten days, then three weeks. In both previous cases, I don't remember any appreciable relief in those time periods. Now, I could not tell you, if that's because of addiction to nicotine or the veracity of habit. I'm just not sure. I do know that its damned uncomfortable and there is absolutely....
So, my Angel card for the day? PURIFICATION
Wha'd'ya think?

1 comment:

Ms. Lea said...

I have Great Faith in You! :-)