Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Here is a nice picture to illustrate just how deep the snow gets in the winter at Crater Lake! the end of the building you see there is the lodge and it is actually 4 stories tall.
One time in the spring probably of'94 the labor foreman parked one of the company trucks on the far side of the building that you see there. Actually I guess you can"t quite see where the truck was parked, it's just out of the picture, but there was still some snow on the roof, not for long though, as it warmed up that day the snow began to melt and finally cut loose like an avalanche slid off of the roof and landed on the truck. Woops! The company had gone out and bought two bran new ford ranger xlt's just for this job, they were now down to one, as the snow crushed the cab of the truck and blew out all of the windows.
Oh but don't worry it wasn't the fist time some thing had happened to one of those trucks.
The fall before the foreman and superintendant showed up in the other truck minus the windsheild. It seems they had hit a patch of ice on the way up and rolled it over in the middle of the road. nobody was hurt though so the two of them managed to get the truck back up on it's tired and commence on their way to work. Had to have been a very cold ride the rest of the way without the windsheild!!!
I couldn't laugh though, just about all of us eventually had minor mishaps on the way up due to copious amounts of ice and snow. Even me. Iwas all by myself one morning when I hit a really bad section of black ice in my 4x4 Toyota and the right front tire caught a little bit of crusty snow and spun me right around180. I was stuck in the snow bank and the truck wasn't going any where, fortunatly more of the crew were on thier way up and it was no time before we had the truck out headed back the right way and on our way to the lodge. fun fun fun!!!!!

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